Skin – Broken But Mending Book 1 by Dale Mayer

Broken but Mending Book 1
USA Today Bestselling Author
Dale Mayer


Exploration, healing, and forgiveness.
A journey of love.

Kane is still reeling with anger of betrayal at the deepest level. Hoping to find his way back to forgiveness, therapy is his only option. But he discovers so much more…

Tania is struggling with her fear of intimacy after past demons still haunt her. Uncertain of how to let anyone get close to her again, she immerses herself into her photography. Finding comfort in her camera, she discovers the human body, Kane’s body. Looking through the lens of a camera, Tania finds her strength and the beauty of love–with him.

But can two broken souls find the courage to confront their pasts for a future together?

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I love Dale Mayer’s books and I’ve been catching up on her very different series. I purchased this box set on sale from the author’s website. I am reviewing the books individually as I read them.

Dr Jenna Komack’s workshops are renowned being unconventional and successful. What Tania and Kane didn’t realize was just how different this week long seminar would be.

Assigned a project, one where Tania would be photographing Kane, neither of them could figure out how it could possibly help them with their problems.

This is a favorite scene where Kane gives Tania a nickname. Fitting because of the physical differences between them.

Tania understood the camera, just not the subject. Kane was difficult; a man of secrets. Getting him to be natural was the key. He was doing the posing-tourist role, and she wanted nothing to do with it. Still, it would take some time to find the real him inside.

She let him walk ahead on the cobblestone. There were intricate patterns worked into the street, and her camera loved them. Whenever he looked away or something caught Kane’s eye, she tried to capture him.

But she didn’t like the results. She’d have to ditch most of them at this rate.

“Coffee?” he asked hopefully, pointing to a small bistro off to the side.

“Tea?” she suggested, not knowing what they’d talk about.

He shrugged and led the way over. “I’ll go in and order.”

Happy to let him take charge, she nodded and took pictures of him walking into the tiny shop. He had a hell of a butt. What she wouldn’t do to get him in tight boxers. The magic her camera could work then… Her thought was immediately followed by shock. Had she really just thought that? About a perfect stranger?

He returned in a few minutes with two mugs. “Hope this is okay. Black tea and black coffee.”

She fished the tea bag out quickly, not wanting to have it too strong if there wasn’t milk and not wanting to go in and get milk even if it was available. For a therapy seminar, so far she’d cried no tears and had yet to feel under the gun with questions or swamped by emotions. She felt odd, not herself. Normally, she’d have just asked him to get the tea the way she liked it, but not this time.

Was it doing any good?

As if reading her thoughts, Kane said, “Weirdest therapy session I’ve ever done.”

She laughed. “Exactly what I was thinking. I feel like this assignment is supposed to do something, but we are completely missing the mark.”

“Are we?” Moodily, he stared into the deepest, blackest mug of coffee she’d ever seen. “Seems like a complete waste of time so far.”

She leaned forward. “That’s what I mean. We’re out here sightseeing when we should be working on healing.”

He leaned back at her emphatic comment. “You think we shouldn’t be out here.”

She shrugged and looked around. “I can’t help but feel like we are deliberately avoiding something. Or aren’t ready yet to get too close to the real issues.”

“Really?” he snorted. “What real issues? I highly doubt you want to share your issues with me. And I know I’m not going to. So what else are we supposed to be doing here?”

She stared at him, realizing she could share, but she didn’t want to. And he was right; if they weren’t going to help each other, what was the point? Unless one of them could help the other, and maybe in the helping, the other could be healed a little as well.

“Did you research Jenna’s seminar?” She smiled at his emphatic nod.

“Hell yes.”

“And read the comments, reviews people had left?” When he nodded again, she said, “And do you recognize our conversation is similar to many that were written on her website? And I quote, ‘I started the journey expecting to find the opposite of what I got. Thank God.’ Or ‘When I first started this seminar, I thought I’d signed up for the wrong one. It was nothing like what I’d expected.’”

He stared at her then leaned back, dropping his gaze to his cup. Speaking slowly, he said, “The one that resonated with me was, ‘I don’t understand the how or the why or the process that happened, but healing has started…’”

“Oh, I like that.” Contemplative, she stared around as the traffic picked up slightly as more people came looking for sustenance. “I’m supposed to find a journey with you as my subject. I don’t understand really, but I’m willing to trust a little here. Outside, it feels like it’s an impersonal journey.” She stopped and frowned. “I’m not really sure where I’m going with this, but say we were at home and you had the week off – what would you be doing?”

“Refinishing my bathroom.”

The answer came so fast it surprised her.

He grinned with real humor, and his face came alive. She stared, entranced, as he spoke. “It’s been the plan for a while. Now if you were to say, if I had a couple days off, what I would be doing, I guess I’d be working out, catching up on yard work, lazing around the house, and watching some classic movies.”

As his mouth moved, her eyes caught on the lean muscles that formed and reformed in perfect symmetry. He was lean and hard and spoke about a world she didn’t understand. And she was suddenly afraid she just might know what Jenna had been thinking.

And hoped not.

She raised her gaze to Kane’s and watched light play across his features as his eyes darkened. He leaned closer, his whole body language shifting, softening. Damn, she wanted to photograph him.

“What’s up, Tinkerbelle?”

That startled a laugh out of her. “Tinkerbelle?”

He waved an arm at her. “You’re tiny, delicate, and look like a good wind would blow you away.” He shrugged. “It just came to me.”

And something just came to me, she thought. Sending up a prayer that she had this right and Kane wouldn’t find her off the wall, she said, “I know this might sound a bit weird, but…” she took a deep breath, and then added, “You have a very photogenic face.” She motioned to his biceps. They bulged and relaxed almost as if he was bunching to a tune in his mind. “In fact, your muscles are really interesting.” As his eyebrows shot up to his hairline, she quickly corrected, “For the camera, I mean.”

She looked away for a moment before forcing herself back on target. “I guess what I meant to say is that skin and muscles, how people move, have always fascinated me. If you are okay with it,” she took a deep breath before she dropped her gaze to the table, wishing it were wider, deeper, higher – anything to increase that barrier – and said in a rush, the words tripping over themselves before she could take them back, “I’d like to take pictures as you work out.”
Dale Mayer. Broken but Mending: Books 1-3 (Kindle Locations 411-460). Valley Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Kane is there for his anger that is bleeding into his job performance, while Tania is there due to a traumatic incident in her past that has colored her entire world since it occurred.

I love this journey as each little bit is revealed and dealt with. True understanding comes with a simmer to sizzle romance that is healing for both of them.

5 Contented Purrs for Dale!

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Books 1-3


Dale Mayer

Dale Mayer is a USA Today bestselling author best known for her Psychic Visions and Family Blood Ties series. Her contemporary romances are raw and full of passion and emotion (Second Chances, SKIN), her thrillers will keep you guessing (By Death series), and her romantic comedies will keep you giggling (It’s a Dog’s Life and Charmin Marvin Romantic Comedy series).

She honors the stories that come to her – and some of them are crazy and break all the rules and cross multiple genres!

To go with her fiction, she also writes nonfiction in many different fields with books available on resume writing, companion gardening and the US mortgage system. She has recently published her Career Essentials Series. All her books are available in print and ebook format.

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Breathe – The Arsenal Book 7.5 – Bridge Short Story by Cara Carnes

The Arsenal Book 7.5
Bridge between Hostile Ground and Lethal Echo
Cara Carnes


This is a short, free read bridging Hostile Ground and Lethal Echo.

I love these free short stories between books. We get to see the whole crew in between operations and what they are dealing with at home.

In this one we have several things, Bree is off on her own for a couple of weeks, they’ve cut off communication with the Secretary of Defense their friend Bob, Riley has her first case and so much more. I’m going to just say a bit about Riley’s case since all this goes down while Kamren is in labor.

This case is cooperation with the local police and it’s gonna get a bit hairy even before Riley gets out of the house.

This is a favorite scene.

Riley ran her finger along the scar on her neck. She’d survived her best friend trying to kill her. She could handle anything— assuming she managed to get out of the house. She had six big brothers and a score of other badass commandoes to get through first. Oh, yeah, and none of them knew what tonight’s case was because she and Jud had been sworn to secrecy by the Nomad police department detective in charge of the case. She wasn’t even sure if Kristof knew yet.

Good times.

She grabbed her purse, triple checked that her pepper spray and small .22 were there, then exited the bathroom and made her way downstairs. The temptation to check in on Kamren first rode her hard, but she’d heard Dallas say just moments ago that she was trying to rest a bit.

She was halfway up the stairs when she heard the first “What the fuck?”

She took a deep breath and steeled her spine for the incoming arguments. If the people downstairs, most especially her brothers, knew what she was about to do, they’d lock her up for eternity. The fact they had an entire floor underneath one of the buildings for precisely that purpose didn’t help the unease pricking the back of her neck.

But she was a Mason same as them and she’d be damned if she backed down from a hard case. Jud trusted her to get the job done, and she trusted him to have her back. Too many people would be hurt if she didn’t.

“What the fuck?” The repeated inquiry forced her attention to the third stair from the bottom. Gage Sanderson’s wide eyes and pissed off expression didn’t bode well for how her brothers would react.


“Go change. Now. There’s not enough eye bleach in the world to undo the damage seeing you in that outfit’s going to do to your brothers.”

“What’s going on?” Cord asked. He turned the corner and froze. “Sis. What the hell?”

“Enough.” Riley continued down the stairs. “I’m only saying this once, so you two lummoxes get the hell out of my way so I can get to it.”

“That’s not happening,” Cord said, stepping in her path.

“Move or I’ll make you,” she warned.

“I’d like to see you try.”

Riley sighed and kicked, slamming her stiletto heel into his thigh. Anything higher seemed like an injustice to her future nieces or nephews. “Sorry. I warned you.”

Gage shook his head but remained against the wall where he’d wisely moved. Yep. He was one smart cookie used to dealing with a headstrong woman. Hell, he was surrounded by them on a daily basis just like Cord.

Riley’s mom was thankfully not in the large living room. Neither was Dallas, which meant one less big brother to have an opinion about what she should or shouldn’t do. Her gaze swept the sofas and the walls, where the extra people had propped themselves as the wait to end all waits commenced.

Her gaze locked with Dom’s a moment. Her pulse quickened when his eyes widened, and he shoved off the wall. Raul snagged his left arm and Levi grabbed the other. Again, smart men. Too bad she already knew most of them wouldn’t be quite so wise.

“Are you ready, Jud?” Riley asked, opting for the easier avoidance option.

“Riley,” Marshall thundered. “What are you wearing?”

Okay, so much for the high road. Let the smartass commence in three… two… one.

“It’s called a dress. I realize it’s been a while since you’ve caroused the tri-county, but I assure you that’s exactly what this is.” She looked at Jud and silently hoped that he had her back for the war that was about to ensue.

“I’m thinking we need a debrief on tonight’s case,” Dylan said. “Jud?”

The man’s jaw twitched as he fisted his hands. “It’s confidential. Trust me, I’ve got her back. Kristof and I both do.”

“It’ll take an army to have her back dressed like that, particularly because there is no back. There’s barely a front,” Zoey commented.

“You aren’t helping,” Riley said.

“Sorry, just saying.” Zoey shrugged. “I’ve always got a sister’s back, but this might be a bit too much.”

“Look, I know what this looks like but it’s a simple, quick in and out case.” Riley crossed her arms.

“Quick only because no one seeing you dressed like that could last for more than a minute,” Dom snarled.

Riley gasped. Nolan growled.

“Honey trap?” Mary asked.

“Not exactly,” Jud answered.

“Okay, every male with the last name Mason is on a verbal time out,” Addy said. “You’ve all trusted Jud to have Riley’s back so far. That’s not changing just because of what she’s wearing. And, to add, you also trust your sister to be smart and handle herself.”

Riley took her first deep breath. She seriously loved Addy. The woman was as kickass as they came. Kristof chuckled. Marshall glared at him.

“What? She’s right.” Kristof shoved his hands into his black trousers and smiled. “If it helps, I don’t even know what the case is tonight. Not yet, at least.”

“That’s not helping either,” Jud commented.

“Okay then.” Mary stood. “Here’s the plan.
Cara Carnes. Breathe: An Arsenal free read bridging Hostile Ground and Lethal Echo (Kindle Locations 483-525). Heartscape Publishing, LLC.

Things get a bit crazy with the assignment and it shows once again how this family always has each others back.

There’s a lot packed into this read and it’s got laughter, tears and so much more!

Thank you Cara this was perfect!

5 Contented Purrs for Cara!

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Cara Carnes

Born in small-town Texas, Cara Carnes was a princess, a pirate, fashion model, actress, rock star and Jon Bon Jovi’s wife all before the age of 13. In reality, her fascination for enthralling worlds took seed somewhere amidst a somewhat dull day job and a wonderful life filled with family and friends. When she’s not cemented to her chair, Cara loves traveling, photography and reading.

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Blog Tour For Submerged – Kill Devil Hills Book 2 by Kaylea Cross

Kill Devil Hills Book 2
NY Times & USA Today Bestselling Author
Kaylea Cross


Keep your friends close.

Harper Sorenson’s husband died during a security contracting job in Syria more than a year ago. The official report said he was killed in an enemy ambush, but she doesn’t buy it. And until she knows the truth, she can’t move on. When someone tries to silence her, she knows she’s on the right track. Unfortunately, now she has no choice but to rely on the man she blames for everything—her dead husband’s best friend.

And your enemies closer.

Jared Blackmore was there the day Pete died. Gravely wounded himself in the ambush, he still can’t remember everything that happened. His own search for answers results in resistance from every angle, and he begins to fear the worst—that they’re dealing with a cover up. With Harper now in danger, he drops everything to protect her. He might have promised Pete that he would take care of her, but it’s far more personal than that, and he’s worried he won’t be able to hide his attraction any longer. With the bodies piling up and danger closing in, they don’t know who to trust. He must uncover the truth before it’s too late—before they both wind up dead—and before she figures out exactly how much she means to him.

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Harper’s husband Pete died while on a security contracting job in Syria. The report she received from the company doesn’t add up and she wants the truth. She’s been contacting men who worked with Pete and finally one answered her, Tanner. She’s about to meet with him alone, with her brother on the phone, when Tanner’s shot.

In the ensuing chaos, Jared sneaks into her car. He’s been following her to protect her, but she blames him for Pete’s death and for encouraging him to take the job to begin with. The problem is Jared was seriously injured on that same mission and no one is talking to him either. He can’t remember it, he was in a coma and with a severe TBI he doesn’t know if he ever will. That’s why he’s been looking for the same answers, the report from the company has holes and he needs the truth to find peace.

Jared convinces Harper to accept his help and then things start to heat up in more ways than one. With Harper’s brothers helping on the sidelines to keep them out of the line of fire, information is coming but with consequences.

Fast-paced, action-packed with some laughter, tears and a simmer to sizzle romance.

5 Contented Purrs for Kaylea!

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Coming Soon!
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Kaylea Cross

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Kaylea Cross writes edge-of-your-seat military romantic suspense. Her work has won many awards and has been nominated for both the Daphne du Maurier and the National Readers’ Choice Awards. A Registered Massage Therapist by trade, Kaylea is also an avid gardener, artist, Civil War buff, Special Ops aficionado, belly dance enthusiast and former nationally-carded softball pitcher. She lives in Vancouver, BC with her husband and family.

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Shielding Devyn – Delta Force Two Book 6 by Susan Stoker

Shielding Devyn
Delta Team 2 Book 6
NY Times & USA Today Bestselling Author
Susan Stoker


When Devyn Groves needed a place to go, to get away, she headed for Texas, to the town her Delta Force special forces brother lived. She never thought she’d stay, she just needed a safe refuge for a while. But then she met one of her brother’s teammates.

Troy “Lucky” Schmidt fell for Devyn the moment he met her. But she was skittish, and seemingly not interested in any kind of relationship. But he slowly wore her down and convinced her to take a chance on him.

But when the reason she fled her hometown shows up unexpectedly, Lucky has a feeling the woman he loves more than anything is ready to bolt once more. But when danger strikes out of nowhere, Lucky, and the rest of his Delta team, have to band together to find one of their own.

Shielding Devyn is the 6th book in the Delta Team Two Series. Each book is a stand-alone, with no cliffhanger endings.

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Devyn Groves is Grover’s sister, she moved to Texas to be near her brother when things closer to home became unbearable for her. She won’t tell anyone what’s wrong and Grover’s really worried about her even with her assurances she’s not sick again.

Troy ‘Lucky’ Schmidt is one of Grover’s teammates, and he wants to date Devyn. He wants to be the one to break down the walls she’s built around her. He seems to be making some headway but she still won’t confide in him knowing he wouldn’t keep secrets from her brother. Grover offers advice of getting a pet to assist him in winning Devyn over and Lucky does more than give it a thought. He goes to the shelter and adopts a dog and a cat that had bonded but the staff couldn’t get them acclimated and they had been on the kill list for the end of the week.

This is a favorite scene when Lucky calls Devyn after realizing he can’t take his new pets into the store to get food and stuff.

He clicked on the Bluetooth in his car and selected Devyn’s number. Grover had told him that Devyn had the day off today.


Everything about Devyn appealed to Lucky. Even her husky voice. “Hey. It’s Lucky.”

“What’s up?”

“I need your help. But I want to make things really clear from the start—your brother told me to do this as a way to manipulate you. To give me a way to spend more time with you and to make sure you’re all right. But that’s not what this is,” Lucky said.

Devyn chuckled nervously. “Oooookay. That sounds ominous.”

“I just didn’t want Grover to say something later and have you misconstrue it. I mean, I don’t think it’s a secret that I want to spend time with you. That I like you a hell of a lot. But I didn’t do this as a way to force you to hang with me. I want you to want that because you like me back.”

“You’re making me very nervous,” Devyn said. “But I appreciate your honesty. And while we’re being honest, I like hanging out with you already, you don’t have to come up with fancy excuses.”

“I appreciate that,” Lucky said, although he was afraid to ask if she liked hanging out with him as a friend of her brother’s, or if the possibility for more existed. He was too much of a chicken at the moment to even go there.

“So…what do you need me to help you with?” she asked.

“I kind of adopted a dog and a cat, and I have nothing for them. No food, no litter box, no beds. And I need it all. But I don’t want to leave them alone in my townhouse while I go out, and I can’t bring them into a store with me. I was hoping maybe you wouldn’t mind picking up some stuff and bringing it to my place? And when you get there—if they’re okay with it—maybe taking a peek at them to check them over? Health-wise.”

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long moment.

“Devyn? Are you still there?”

“I’m here. You kind of adopted a dog and a cat?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Lucky sighed. “Grover suggested that it would help me get in your good graces, but honestly, I’ve been thinking about getting a pet for a while. I grew up with animals, and with everyone getting married and having babies, we’ve all been hanging out a lot less outside of work. And I’m not afraid to say it—my place is lonely. So I thought I’d get a cat. Except, then we walked by a kennel with a dog and a cat. A bonded pair. They were scheduled to be euthanized later this week. I couldn’t leave them.”

“Holy shit, Lucky’s a total softie,” Devyn murmured.

“Shhhhh, don’t tell anyone,” he joked.

Then he sobered. “They’re scared to death, Dev. Skittish as hell. It’s breaking my heart to think about why they’re so scared of people. I got them to trust me at the shelter, but I have a feeling they’ll be completely freaked out when I get them home. I just…I need help.”

“I can be there in forty minutes or so,” Devyn said without hesitation. “Do you have their records? Did the shelter give them any medical care?”

“Yeah. They’ve both been spayed, so they’re both female. They’ve got mats in their fur, and I think they’re both underweight, but the shelter gave them all the required shots…rabies, parvo, kennel cough, that sort of thing.”

“Okay, that’s good. You know I’m not a vet, right?” she asked.

“I know, but you’re a damn good vet tech. I realize I need to bring them in for a complete workover, but I can’t do that when they’re so scared. They need time to relax. To see that they’re safe with me. That I won’t hurt them. And shoving them back into this crate and hauling them off to be poked and prodded isn’t going to do a damn thing to make them trust me.”

“You’re…This is a side of you I haven’t seen before,” Devyn admitted.

“What, a Delta Force Operative can’t be concerned about two helpless animals?” Lucky asked, a little snappier than he probably should’ve.

“It’s not that. It’s just…most people wouldn’t care this much about a stray dog and cat.”

“I’ve seen a lot of shit on missions—animals being abused in the worst ways—and I haven’t been able to do a damn thing about it. But I could do something for Angel and Whiskers.”

“Do you have a preference for food or anything else?” Devyn asked in a tone Lucky couldn’t interpret.

He mentally kicked himself for talking about abused animals. “No. Although neither are really young, so don’t get kitten or puppy food. Oh, and I’m thinking a pink collar for Angel; she seems as if she’d like that. Don’t get retractable leashes, those are dangerous as hell. And get Whiskers a harness so she can go on walks with us. I have a feeling she won’t be happy if I take Angel for a walk and she doesn’t get to come too. And the dog bed should be really fuzzy. Big enough for a thirty-pound dog and ten-pound cat, because they’re inseparable. They don’t weigh that much right now, but I’m sure I’ll overfeed them when they give me the pathetic dog and cat eyes. Oh, and toys! Get some harder ones Angel can chew on, and some of the stuffed ones. We’ll have to see if she destroys them to get to the squeaker inside or not. And catnip stuff for Whiskers—”

Devyn burst out laughing.

“What?” Lucky asked.

“Nothing. So you want me to get half the store then?”

Lucky chuckled. “I’m being ridiculous, I know. But you didn’t see them, Dev. They need pampering more than anyone I’ve seen in a very long time. You’re gonna fall in love the second you meet them.”

“I’m sure I will,” Devyn said quietly. “Okay, I’m out of here. I’ll be at your place as soon as I can. I’m not sure how much stuff will fit in my Mini Cooper though. Do you need a crate?”

“Yeah, I think I do. They’ll feel safer in there. I need to bring the one the shelter gave me back to them. It’ll be a place they can hide in if they need to. I’m thinking a plastic one. Medium. I can call Grover or one of the other guys to pick it up if it won’t fit in your car. You really do need something bigger, Dev.”

“Nope. I love my Mini. It’s old, but it runs great and it’s not boring, like a sedan would be. I’ll see what I can do about the crate. I agree with you that if Angel and Whiskers are already skittish, having a crate for them is a good idea.”

“Thanks for helping me out,” Lucky said.

“Of course. See you soon.”

Lucky clicked off the phone at the same time he pulled into the parking space in front of his townhouse. He lived in an end unit in a row with five others. His neighbors were mostly military families, and he’d never had any issues with anyone. He had no idea if Angel was a barker, but he hoped not for his neighbors’ sakes. So far he hadn’t heard the dog make a sound, so he hoped that boded well for his future relationships with his neighbors.

“We’re home,” he told his passengers. “I know this is all very scary, but I promise your lives will be smooth sailing from here on out.”
Stoker, Susan. Shielding Devyn (Delta Team Two Book 6) Kindle Locations (374-429). Stoker Aces Production, LLC. Kindle Edition.

This certainly is an major ice breaker for these two and eventually they reach a compromise on what’s bothering her. Unfortunately the problem shows up in Texas and brings some trouble with it.

I love this story, the new pets and all the guys. There’s fun, laughter, tears, some OMG and some sizzle as well. You should also know that Susan is driving us crazy with peeks of Sierra at the end of all these books.

I can’t wait for the next book in this series, which still isn’t Sierra’s LOL.

5 Contented Purrs for Susan!

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Coming Soon!

Susan Stoker - Photo Susan Stoker

New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, Susan Stoker has a heart as big as the state of Tennessee where she lives, but this all American girl has also spent the last fourteen years living in Missouri, California, Colorado, Indiana, and Tennessee. She’s married to a retired Army man who now gets to follow her around the country.

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Malevolent – Kylie Tate Book 1 by Anne L. Parks

Kylie Tate Book 1
Anne L. Parks


Kylie Tate survived a life of dominance and abuse. An up-and-coming criminal defense attorney, she has been assigned to a first degree murder case which could make or break her career. The downside—the second chair is fellow attorney and violent ex-boyfriend, John Sysco.

When she catches the eye of enigmatic billionaire, Alex Stone, she can’t help but be drawn to him. Unfortunately John is not willing to let her go—especially into the arms of another man.

As John’s sanity spirals into darkness, his attempts to get Kylie back escalate, along with the abuse she thought she had escaped. The one glimmer of hope she has is the unconditional support Alex provides. Ravaged by demons from his past, Alex vows to stop at nothing to keep Kylie safe.

But the closer the couple gets, the more Kylie wonders if Alex is truly her savior—or as dark and dangerous as John.

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This book opens with Kylie Tate on her morning run, she has a feeling she’s being watched but is then distracted by a very expensive car at the side of the road with an irritated man trying to get his cell phone to work. She offers her help and arranges a tow truck from her mechanic, and letting him use her phone to call for a ride. She gets really annoyed with him when he offers her money for her help. Although the encounter may just spark some interesting dreams.

We then meet this man she helped when he shows up with her boss. Kylie is a well known criminal defense attorney and apparently one of their top clients, Alex Stone, needs her help for his nephew.

This is just one of many favorite scenes.

Jack Daniels— no shit, his actual name— crosses to one of the two chairs opposite my desk. In his early seventies, he has no inclination to retire— despite the rumblings of the rumor mill. He’s still handsome— salt-and-pepper hair and kind blue eyes— until he’s pissed off. He’s been my biggest supporter at the firm and lobbied for me to move up to the penthouse when others sought to keep a males-only attorney pool.

“Kylie,” Jack says, “I’d like you to meet our client, Alex Stone.”

I hadn’t noticed him until he strolled to the vacant chair next to Jack, and I nearly choke on my recognition. Alex Stone is the arrogant, smarmy Mr. Rich Pants from my morning run two days earlier.

Jack takes a seat across from me. “Alex has been a client of this firm for— what— fifteen or sixteen years now? He utilizes many different areas within the firm for his various business ventures.”

I stand, offer my hand to Stone, and kick myself for not figuring out who he was that day on the side of the road. His face is blank, and I’m sure he doesn’t recognize me.

But I remember him— and those gorgeous eyes. It’s as if the gods pulled water from the Aegean Sea, with all its beauty and sparkle, and poured it straight into Alex Stone’s irises.

Stone releases my hand, and I’m vaguely aware of Jack singing my praises.

My brain finally engages with my mouth, and I manage to get out, “Very nice to meet you, Mr. Stone,” as I sit back in my chair.

“Likewise, Miss…” His words are as smooth as silk.

“Tate. Kylie Tate.”

He nods, sits in the chair next to Jack, and I decide he hasn’t made the connection between the sweaty car expert from the other morning and the woman in the business suit in front of him.

“Kylie, Alex informed me of a sensitive issue he needs to discuss with you. It involves his nephew, and the family would like to keep it out of the press at this time.”

This introduction is something more than a simple meet-the-newest-penthouse-associate-and-she’s-a-woman… aren’t-we-progressive? introduction I’ve been subjected to since my move upstairs. Apparently, Stone’s underage nephew, Joshua Banks, was caught drinking alcohol at a party. He also had a joint in his pocket when the cops frisked him.

I turn my attention back to Stone. “Do you know the name of the prosecutor assigned to his case?”

“No, but I can find out.” He thumbs through his cellphone, presses a button, and speaks to someone on the other end.

I smile, remembering his inability to use the phone two mornings ago which prompted me to stop and help him. His gaze is locked on my mouth, and I bite my lower lip. He looks away and shifts in his seat.

“Amy, look in Josh’s file and tell me the name of the prosecutor in his case,” he asks Amy.

“Do you have the charging documents? Or the initial citation he received when he was arrested?” I ask Stone while he’s still on the phone.

“Send a copy of the file to Miss Tate,” he says into the phone. He looks at me. “Your email?”

I give him the address, pull a yellow legal pad from my desk drawer, and start running through more questions I want to ask.

“You should have all the documents shortly, Miss Tate,” Stone says, and slides the cellphone back into his pocket.

My email pings with the materials from Stone’s assistant and I do a hasty scan for the information I need.

The office is quiet as the two men watch me read. I reach for the phone and make the all-too-familiar call to the prosecutor’s office.

“Hi, Teri. Kylie Tate. I understand you’re assigned to the Joshua Banks case. Charges are intoxication of a minor and possession of an illegal substance. Looks like the hearing is set for this Friday at three. What’s the offer on the table right now?”

I listen to the prosecutor’s admonition. It is a serious charge. We need to nip this in the bud while he’s still young…

Blah, blah, blah… bullshit on top of bullshit.

“Teri, this is a good kid from a good family. He made an error in judgment, nothing more. He has no prior criminal record. Hell, he’s never even been sent to the principal’s office. Are you really going to saddle him with a criminal record for going to a party and having a beer?”

“You’re forgetting about the marijuana in his possession, Kylie,” Teri says.

“The joint wasn’t even lit. Someone handed it to him and he inadvertently put it in his pocket, intending to flush it later.” I take a breath. “He’ll be applying to colleges soon. He doesn’t need this hanging around his neck like an anchor.”

Teri sighs as though what she is about to do is going to cost her job. “I shouldn’t do this, but…”

I scribble her offer on my legal pad. It’s decent, and what I expected for a first-time offender.

I thank Teri, tell her I will get back to her, and hang up the phone. “They’re offering a deferred sentence, three-hundred-dollar fine, and ten hours of community service. It’s a good deal, in my opinion.”

It’s the standard deal actually, and I wonder why this needs the attention of an experienced attorney instead of the many new, eager lawyers looking for some face time in court. Any first-year associate would’ve been given the same deal.

Not that I mind. Assisting Alex Stone can only help my career here at the firm. And I get the added bonus of spending more time with the man who has captivated my thoughts over the past couple of days. He both intrigued me and pissed me off that day on the side of the road. But one thing is for sure. I won’t be getting this man out of my head anytime soon.

I explain the remainder of the process as he leans back in his seat. I watch as his thumb slowly moves across his bottom lip. The motion is sensuous and my breath hitches. The corners of his mouth twitch into a faint smile. I blink and break the connection.

“Have your nephew meet me outside the courtroom on Friday. I’ll go over the procedure with him to enter his plea. Make sure he’s dressed appropriately for court.” It’s a programmed and automatic recitation, which I desperately need at this moment. Alex Stone’s proximity and intense gaze are entirely disarming.

Jack is grinning, apparently happy with my work on this sensitive matter. “See, Alex? I told you she’s amazing.” Jack winks at me.

Stone stands and provides a glimpse of his incredible physique. “That she is.” Stone’s gaze are still fixed on mine, a near imperceptible shake of his head.

“Happy to help.” I extend my hand to him once more.

He leans in toward me. “Thank you again for your assistance earlier this week, Miss Tate. You continue to come to my rescue just when I need you.”

My eyes stay on his, but I’m unable to speak. My heart beats double time. The return of his arrogant, smug smile as he releases my hand and joins Jack, yanks me out of my state of infatuation, and I remember why this man created such disfavor days earlier. Good looks can only compensate for so much, and Stone’s outstanding physique does not offset his egomaniacal personality.

“Thanks again, Kylie,” Jack says.

I sit at my desk as they leave my office and walk to the elevator. Shaking hands with Jack, Stone is left in the care of the busty, blonde Sarah with her just retouched makeup. I try to pull my gaze away from him but find it impossible. He is quite possibly the most imposing, sensual man I have ever met. The overwhelming urge to dislike him is arm-wrestling with my schoolgirl crush, which is pissing me off. I’m too old to have this type of a reaction. Add to that a deep distrust of men, and Alex Stone is nothing more than a fantasy that I can live without.
Anne L. Parks. Malevolent: A Kylie Tate Novel (Kindle Locations 214-276).

Now Kylie and one of the other attorneys at the firm once had a relationship, one that was extremely mentally and physically abusive. She did finally get away from John Sysco’s control, but his threats to her career remain foremost in her mind.

When she accepts a date from Alex Stone, John decides he wants her back. Stalking her, inflicting property damage and accosting her in semipublic places. It’s Alex that comes to her rescue and although she refuses to report it begins some protection for her. He has his own security act as body guards for her.

As she begins work on a murder case, threats come in and Alex starts becoming a bit overprotective and controlling. There is plenty of romancing in this even as things escalate with regard to John.

A lively journey to balance career and relationship as the attraction begins to sizzle. A bit of a cliff-hanger but the next book is only a few weeks away. I can’t wait!

5 Contented Purrs for Anne!

Coming June 22nd!

Born and raised in the Rocky Mountains, Anne L. Parks has spent the last 28 years moving all over the United States. Married to the Navy – well a Commander in the Navy – Parks has lived in various locales throughout the United States. She currently resides in the Washington D.C area. When not writing, she spends her time reading, doing yoga, mountain biking, and keeping track of four kids and a very spoiled rescue German Shepherd. And drinking wine.

Author of nine novels (Tri-Stone Trilogy, Return To Me series, and Strangers) and four novellas that have been published in anthologies, she loves to create stories with mystery, plenty of twists and turns, and loaded with suspense.

With a military husband, it was only a matter of time before she broke into the military romantic suspense genre, where she feels right at home amongst highly trained, somewhat jaded, ready to take out terrorists alpha males and the strong, brave women who love them. Parks first military romance, MIA, went to #1 on Amazon’s Kindle World. Thirteen more books will be released in her new series, The 13. Two other series are being planned.

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Submerged – Kill Devil Hills Book 2 By Kaylea Cross

Kill Devil Hills Book 2
NY Times & USA Today Bestselling Author
Kaylea Cross


Keep your friends close.

Harper Sorenson’s husband died during a security contracting job in Syria more than a year ago. The official report said he was killed in an enemy ambush, but she doesn’t buy it. And until she knows the truth, she can’t move on. When someone tries to silence her, she knows she’s on the right track. Unfortunately, now she has no choice but to rely on the man she blames for everything—her dead husband’s best friend.

And your enemies closer.

Jared Blackmore was there the day Pete died. Gravely wounded himself in the ambush, he still can’t remember everything that happened. His own search for answers results in resistance from every angle, and he begins to fear the worst—that they’re dealing with a cover up. With Harper now in danger, he drops everything to protect her. He might have promised Pete that he would take care of her, but it’s far more personal than that, and he’s worried he won’t be able to hide his attraction any longer. With the bodies piling up and danger closing in, they don’t know who to trust. He must uncover the truth before it’s too late—before they both wind up dead—and before she figures out exactly how much she means to him.

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Harper’s husband Pete died while on a security contracting job in Syria. The report she received from the company doesn’t add up and she wants the truth. She’s been contacting men who worked with Pete and finally one answered her, Tanner. She’s about to meet with him alone, with her brother on the phone, when Tanner’s shot.

In the ensuing chaos, Jared sneaks into her car. He’s been following her to protect her, but she blames him for Pete’s death and for encouraging him to take the job to begin with. The problem is Jared was seriously injured on that same mission and no one is talking to him either. He can’t remember it, he was in a coma and with a severe TBI he doesn’t know if he ever will. That’s why he’s been looking for the same answers, the report from the company has holes and he needs the truth to find peace.

Jared convinces Harper to accept his help and then things start to heat up in more ways than one. With Harper’s brothers helping on the sidelines to keep them out of the line of fire, information is coming but with consequences.

Fast-paced, action-packed with some laughter, tears and a simmer to sizzle romance.

5 Contented Purrs for Kaylea!

Click the Cover for Buy Links and More!

Coming Soon!
Click the Cover for Buy Links and More!

Kaylea Cross

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Kaylea Cross writes edge-of-your-seat military romantic suspense. Her work has won many awards and has been nominated for both the Daphne du Maurier and the National Readers’ Choice Awards. A Registered Massage Therapist by trade, Kaylea is also an avid gardener, artist, Civil War buff, Special Ops aficionado, belly dance enthusiast and former nationally-carded softball pitcher. She lives in Vancouver, BC with her husband and family.

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Glory in Death – In Death Book 2 by J.D. Robb

Glory In Death
In Death Book 2
NY Times Bestselling Author
J.D. Robb


The first victim is found lying on a sidewalk in the rain. The second murdered in her own apartment building. Both have had their throats slashed.

New York City homicide lieutenant Eve Dallas has no problem finding connections between the two crimes. Both women were beautiful and successful; their glamorous lives and loves the talk of the city. And their intimate relations with powerful men provide Eve with a long list of suspects – including her own lover, Roarke.

As a woman, Eve is compelled to trust the man who shares her bed. But as a cop, it’s her job to follow every lead, to explore every secret passion, no matter how dark. Or how dangerous.

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I know this book is way back in time, but the beginning of Eve and Roarke’s relationship is one I love so very much. It’s not the typical Billionaire romance, and Eve is not your usual female heroine. Now you don’t have to read this series from the beginning each book is stand alone. My re-read is starting from the beginning so I remember the introduction of each and every character that I love today.

At the end of Naked in Death we gained a very important character, Galahad, the cat. He secured a place in Roarke and Eve’s heart by saving her life and getting the promise of salmon every day for the rest of his nine lives.

This book opens with the murder scene of Prosecuting Attorney Cicely Towers. It’s not somewhere one would expect to find this well put together, powerful woman. Her death impacts many including Commissioner Whitney who is a close friend. A high profile victim who is attracting the press, some of which is very annoying and Eve has an answer for that.

Then we have Roarke and Eve’s personal life, Roarke always seems to be in the spotlight. He knows many people and has many deals in the works as well as working on removing all the gray from his holdings. There’s also the fact he wants a commitment from Eve and she’s having some issues with that. Her own past coloring her present and possible future.

This is a favorite scene.

“Money’s a motive that never goes out of style. I interviewed him yesterday. I knew something didn’t quite fit. Now it’s beginning to.”

She took the fresh coffee he offered, paced to the window where the noise level was rising, then away again. Her robe was slipping off her shoulder. Casually, Roarke tucked it back into place. Bored commuters often carried long-range viewers for just such an opportunity.

“Then there’s the friendly divorce,” she went on, “but whose idea was it? Divorce is complicated for Catholics when there are children involved. Don’t they have to get some sort of clearance?”

“Dispensation,” Roarke corrected. “A complex business, but both Cicely and Marco had connections with the hierarchy.”

“He’s never remarried,” Eve pointed out, setting her coffee aside. “I haven’t been able to find even a whiff of a steady or serious companion. But Towers was having a long-term intimate relationship with Hammett. Just how did Angelini feel about the mother of his children snuggling with a business partner?”

“If it were me, I’d kill the business partner.”

“That’s you,” Eve said with a quick glance. “And I imagine you’d kill both of them.”

“You know me so well.” He stepped toward her, put his hands on her shoulders. “On the financial end, you may want to consider that whatever Cicely’s share of Mercury was, Angelini’s matches it. They held equal shares.”

“Fuck.” She struggled with it. “Still, money’s money. I have to follow that scent until I get a new one.” He continued to stand there, his hands cupping her shoulders, his eyes on hers. “What are you looking at?”

“The gleam in your eye.” He touched his lips to hers once, then again. “I have some sympathy for Marco, you see, because I remember what it’s like to be on the receiving end of that look, and that tenacity.”

“You hadn’t killed anyone,” she reminded him. “Lately.”

“Ah, but you weren’t sure of that for a time, and still you were . . . drawn. Now we’re—” The beeper on his watch pinged. “Hell.” He kissed her again, quick and distracted. “We’ll have to reminisce later. I have a meeting.”

Just as well, Eve thought. Hot blood interfered with a clear head. “I’ll see you later then.”

“At home?”

She fiddled with her coffee cup. “At your place, sure.”

Impatience flickered in his eyes as he shrugged into his jacket. The slight bulge in the pocket reminded him. “I’d nearly forgotten. I bought you a present in Australia.”

With some reluctance, Eve took the slim gold box. When she opened it, reluctance scattered. There was no room for it in shocked panic. “Jesus bleeding Christ, Roarke. Are you insane?”

It was a diamond. She knew enough to be sure of that. The stone graced a twisted gold chain and glinted fire. Shaped like a tear, it was as long and wide as the first joint of a man’s thumb.

“They call it the Giant’s Tear,” he said as he casually took it from the box and draped the chain over her head. “It was mined about a hundred and fifty years ago. It happened to come up for auction while I was in Sydney.” He stepped back and studied its shooting sparks against the plain blue robe she wore. “Yes, it suits you. I thought it would.” Then he looked at her face and smiled. “Oh, I see you were counting on kiwi. Well, perhaps next time.” When he leaned in to kiss her good-bye, he was brought up short by the slap of her hand against his chest. “Problem?”

“This is crazy. You can’t expect me to take something like this.”

“You do occasionally wear jewelry.” To prove his point, he flicked a finger at the gold dangling from her ear.

“Yeah, and I buy it from the street stall on Lex.”

“I don’t,” he said easily.

“You take this back.”

She started to pull at the chain, but he closed his hands over hers. “It doesn’t go with my suit. Eve, a gift is not supposed to make the blood drain out of your cheeks.” Suddenly exasperated, he gave her a quick shake. “It caught my eye, and I was thinking of you. Damn you, I always am. I bought it because I love you. Christ Jesus, when are you going to swallow that?”

“You’re not going to do this to me.” She told herself she was calm, very calm. Because she was right, very right. His temper didn’t worry her, she’d seen it flare before. But the stone weighed around her neck, and what she feared it represented worried her very much.

“Do what to you, Eve? Exactly what?”

“You’re not going to give me diamonds.” Terrified and furious, she shoved away from him. “You’re not going to pressure me into taking what I don’t want, or being what I can’t be. You think I don’t know what you’ve been doing these past few months. Do you think I’m stupid?”

His eyes flashed, hard as the stone between her breasts. “No, I don’t think you’re stupid. I think you’re a coward.”

Her fist came up automatically. Oh, how she would have loved to have used it to wipe that self-righteous sneer from his face. If he hadn’t been right, she could have. So she used other weapons.

“You think you can make me depend on you, get used to living in that glorified fortress of yours and wearing silk. Well, I don’t give a damn about any of that.”

“I’m well aware of that.”

“I don’t need your fancy food or your fancy gifts or your fancy words. I see the pattern, Roarke. Say I love you at regular regular intervals until she learns to respond. Like a well-trained pet.”

“Like a pet,” he repeated as his fury froze into ice. “I see I’m wrong. You are stupid. You really think this is about power and control? Have it your way. I’m tired of having you toss my feelings back in my face. My mistake for allowing it, but that can be rectified.”

“I never—”

“No, you never,” he interrupted coolly. “Never once risked your pride by saying those words back to me. You keep this place as your escape hatch rather than commit to staying with me. I let you draw the line, Eve, and now I’m moving it.” It wasn’t just temper pushing him now, nor was it just pain. It was the truth. “I want all,” he said flatly. “Or I want nothing.”

She wouldn’t panic. He wouldn’t make her panic like a first-time rookie on a night run. “What exactly does that mean?”

“It means sex isn’t enough.”

“It’s not just sex. You know—”

“No, I don’t. The choice is yours now—it always was. But now you’ll have to come to me.”

“Ultimatums just piss me off.”

“That’s a pity.” He gave her one long last look. “Good-bye, Eve.”

“You can’t just walk—”

“Oh yes.” And he didn’t look back. “I can.”
Glory in Death (In Death, Book 2). Kindle Locations (1026-1079). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

The second high profile victim a rising star Yvonne Metcalf adds far more questions than answers as Eve once more faces her inner demons and the possible involvement with Roarke. Eve gives Nadine the scoops CJ wants and the snark continues there.

Plenty of twists and turns as the pieces fall together with the case, the answer to the ultimatum and so much more!

5 Contented Purrs for J.D.

Click the Cover for Buy Links and More!

J.D. Robb

With a phenomenal career full of bestsellers, Nora Roberts was ready for a new writing challenge. As her agent put it, like Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, and caffeine-free Pepsi, a pseudonym offered her the opportunity to reach a new and different group of readers. The first futuristic suspense J. D. Robb book, Naked in Death, was published in paperback in 1995, and readers were immediately drawn to Eve Dallas, a tough cop with a dark past, and her even more mysterious love interest, Roarke.

The series quickly gained attention, great reviews, and devoted readers. Since the debut of Loyalty in Death (the ninth In Death book) on Halloween 1999 on the New York Times bestseller list, every J. D. Robb title has been a New York Times bestseller. While fans had their suspicions, it wasn’t until the twelfth book in the series, Betrayal in Death (2001), that the publisher fully revealed that J. D. Robb was a pseudonym for bestselling powerhouse Nora Roberts. Unmasked, Nora Roberts fans who hadn’t yet picked up one of the Robb books were quickly playing catch-up.

Robb’s peers in the mystery world are fans as well, with accolades for the In Death series from such blockbuster authors as Stephen King, Jonathan Kellerman, Dennis Lehane, Kathy Reichs, Lisa Scottoline, Janet Evanovich, David Baldacci, Harlan Coben, Robert B. Parker, Ridley Pearson, Linda Fairstein, and Andrew Gross.

The In Death books are perpetual bestsellers, and frequently share the bestseller list with other Nora Roberts novels. J. D. Robb publishes two hardcover In Death books per year, with the occasional stand-alone original In Death story featured in an anthology.

Forty books later, there is no end in sight for the ever-popular In Death series.

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Charming Colton – Surrender Book 8 by Becca Jameson

Charming Colton
Surrender Book 8
USA Today Bestselling Author
Becca Jameson



I lead a very complicated and complex existence.
I’m a force to be reckoned with by day: pencil skirts and heels, totally professional.
In the evenings, I let myself be the little I am inside.
It doesn’t matter that I don’t have a Daddy for real.
I spend a few nights a week at Surrender setting up scenes to exercise my brat.
But now my life is in danger.
Letting Colton move in with me to protect me puts a cramp in my style.
How am I going to be myself around him and fulfill my own desires?
He’s not even a club member. And Colton is certainly not a Daddy.
Or maybe he just doesn’t realize it yet.


I’ve worked undercover for a long time. I’ve seen everything. Or…maybe not.
The gorgeous woman I’m assigned to protect has two sides.
I’ve always known I’m rather dominant, but a Daddy?
This is new to me. I need to play the role to keep her safe. It’s just for a few weeks.
I’m shocked when I tap into a side of me I never knew existed.
Evelyn tugs at my heart. Both her little and her adult.
It doesn’t take long to know she is mine.
Undercover work is not conducive to long-term relationships. Eve deserves more.
When this assignment is over, I’ll never see her again.
I’m treading on thin ice. Now what?

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If you are reading this series you will remember that in the last book Britney was saved from being a victim of human trafficking. While she is no longer in danger, they didn’t catch the people at the top of that particular food chain. Colton was part of that investigation and it’s how he met Davis.

In this book the police have received information that Evelyn may be the next target of the traffickers. Colton has discovered someone following her although he hasn’t been able to get a look at his face, and then there’s the guy Owen she appears to be seeing. It also appears they both are members of Club Surrender. In spite of his research he really couldn’t get a good picture of the club, this is where Davis might be able to help.

Evelyn is all very unaware of the things happening around her and the danger she’s in. That is all about to change with a meeting at Surrender.

This is a favorite scene.

I’m beyond curious as I enter Surrender. Julius called me in the middle of the day and asked if I could come by after work, so here I am, but why?

“Hey, Eve.” I’m even more confused and surprised when the man waiting for me just inside the club is Davis Marcum.

“Hi.” I glance around. No one else is here. The club isn’t open tonight. It’s only open Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Today is Monday. “What’s going on?”

He nods over his shoulder. “It’s complicated. We’ll explain upstairs in Julius’s office.”

“Okay…” I follow him, but now I’m concerned. And who is “we”? “Should I be worried?”

Davis glances at me, hesitating. “Honestly, I’m not sure.”

Well, shit. I keep up with him, my heels clacking on the hard floor as we cross the main room and head up the stairs. When we enter Julius’s office, he stands. As does another man I’ve never met before.

I shake Julius’s offered hand, but the other man takes my breath away. The only way to describe him is tall, dark, and handsome. I wonder if he’s a member of the club I’ve never met before, or perhaps a new member. Either way, I’m intrigued as Julius releases my hand and motions toward the stranger.

“This is Colton.”

Colton… He holds out a hand, and his firm handshake makes my heart race. Or maybe it’s the way his gaze meets mine. Serious but friendly. “Evelyn.”

“Please, call me Eve.”

He smiles, and the initial flutter turns into something more like a tremble. Seriously. I need to get a grip. Then I melt a bit when he says, “Please, call me Colt.”

My breath hitches at the way he repeats my words. He seems more like a Colton to me.

“Have a seat.” Julius motions toward an armchair as he resumes his spot across from me. Colt returns to his spot on the loveseat. Davis pulls up a chair from the small table.

“Who’s going to tell me what’s going on?” I ask.

“I am,” Colt says.

I shift my attention more fully toward him. This is the oddest assembly of people. Colt is a stranger. Julius, I’ve known for years since he’s the manager. And Davis is a member of the club, but I’ve never scened with him. We only know each other in passing. He has a serious girlfriend and doesn’t scene with other members anymore.

Colt clears his throat. His brow is furrowed. “I’m an undercover agent with the local police.”

I flinch.

“Don’t worry. You’re not in any trouble.” He offers a small smile to emphasize his words. “I’m investigating a human trafficking ring in the area, and I’m concerned that you’re on their radar.”

I gasp. My hand comes to my chest. “What? Why?”

“I wish I knew.”

“So, you think someone is planning to… what? Snag me off the street and sell me?”

“Essentially, yes. That’s my concern. There’s no way to sugarcoat it.”

My hands are shaking now and I fist them in my lap as I tuck my crossed legs closer to the chair. I suddenly feel vulnerable and scared. It’s not a feeling I relish. When I’m at Surrender, I’m usually in my little space, but I just left work. I’m totally out of sorts in my adult persona with a hint of my little peeking through. Adult Evelyn does not panic or cower. I lick my lips. “What the hell am I supposed to do with this information?”

“Let me protect you, basically. I’ve been watching you for a few weeks.”

I flinch again. “Seriously? I’ve never seen you.”

He smiles. “I’m good at my job. You weren’t supposed to see me.”

I narrow my gaze. “Wait. How closely do you follow me?” I flatten my palms on my thighs but grip them with my fingers. The thought of someone spying on me for two weeks is unnerving.

“Don’t worry. I’ve never been inside your apartment or anything. I’ve just kept an eye on you from a distance so far.”

“And now? Did something change?”

“Another man is also following you. I’ve spotted him several times. It concerns me. I’m worried he’s watching for a weakness in your routine. Right now, it’s too early in the investigation to be certain. I can’t be certain any lead I’m following is legit.”

“But you’re concerned enough to confront me,” I point out.

“Yes. It’s safer for you if you’re informed, and I’d rather not remain in the shadows anymore.”

I stare at him. “Do you know who’s following me?”

He shakes his head. “Not a clue. He wears a ballcap. I haven’t gotten a look at his face, but I will catch him eventually.” His voice is confident. So is his stance. This is not a man who fails.

I lean back in the chair, my breathing quick and shallow. “This is crazy.”

Davis speaks next. “Colt is going to start coming to the club on the nights you’re here.”

I glance at this undercover cop who had me clenching my legs together just five minutes ago and try to picture him in the club. “Do you have any experience with fetish clubs?”

He shakes his head. “No.”

I groan and lean back. “What a disaster.”

Davis speaks again. “I was thinking the two of you could come over to my place for dinner tomorrow night. Britney has agreed to help Colt understand our particular type of fetish so he isn’t blindsided.”

I rub my temples. I’m not embarrassed about my age play. Not when I’m around like-minded people. Not when I’m at the club or alone at home. But the thought of exposing that vulnerability to a stranger is unnerving. “How about I just don’t come to the club at all for a while?” I wince. “Except, shit. I have plans to meet Owen here Friday night. What am I supposed to tell him?”

Julius nods sympathetically. “You need to keep your routine the same, Eve. You should come to the club because it was already planned.”

I sit up straighter. “Why? So I can lure some madman in? Am I bait?” I jerk my attention to Colt, the man I’m now deciding maybe isn’t so sexy after all. Or, I tell myself that at least.

He shakes his head. “No. I would never use you as bait. But if someone is watching you, they might be inclined to move up their timetable if they think you’ve gotten suspicious. Like Julius said, you need to keep your routine the same for now.”

My head is starting to pound. I look toward Davis again. “What have you told him about me?”

Davis shakes his head. “Nothing yet. I wouldn’t break anyone’s confidence like that.”

“How did you get involved at all?”

Colt answers before Davis has a chance. “I met Davis last year when Britney was targeted for human trafficking.”

I jerk my attention back to Davis. “God, I never knew that.”

He nods. “It was over before Britney started coming to the club. She doesn’t like to talk about it.”

“I’m so sorry,” I tell him. How horrifying. I’m still confused though.

“Colton is good at his job, Eve. He helped save Britney’s life.”

I jerk my gaze back to the man who has put himself in charge of… keeping me alive?

Before I can ask another question, Colt speaks again. “I was in the booth next to you yesterday when you had lunch with your friend Leah.”

I think back. “Jesus. You listened to my conversation with Leah?”


As my memory floods, my face heats. “We mentioned Davis.”

“Yes. Pure luck on my part that I happen to know Davis. I didn’t know he was a member of a club, but once you spoke of him, I knew I could ask him to help me out.”
Becca Jameson. Charming Colton: Surrender, Book Eight (Kindle Locations 282-346). Becca Jameson Publishing.

This book was a lot of fun since Colton really hasn’t identified as a Dominant let alone a Daddy Dom. In this one Evelyn lives her little nature the moment she enters her apartment, keeping her adult nature entirely separate and outside. Having Colton in her space is very difficult and him giving off dominant vibes makes it even more so.

There is lots of suspense intertwined with Colton learning about the BDSM lifestyle and helping Eve to not lose herself while he’s protecting her.

An interesting progression of this relationship as things heat up for not only Colton and Eve but also in the investigation.

While this may not be to everyone’s taste, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It has a bit of everything, suspense, intrigue, laughter, tears and a simmer to sizzle romance.

5 Contented Purrs for Becca!

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Coming Soon!


Becca Jameson Becca Jameson

Becca Jameson is a USA Today bestselling author of over 100 books. She is most well-known for her Wolf Masters Series, her Fight Club series, and her Club Zodiac series. She currently lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband and Goldendoodle. Two grown kids pop in every once in a while too! She is loving this journey and has dabbled in a variety of genres, including paranormal, sports romance, military, and BDSM.

A total night owl, Becca writes late at night, sequestering herself in her office with a glass of red wine and a bar of dark chocolate, her fingers flying across the keyboard as her characters weave their own stories.

During the day–which never starts before ten in the morning!–she can be found jogging, running errands, or reading in her favorite hammock chair!

…where Alphas dominate…

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Bad Enemy – Bad Housewives Club Book 4 By Carmen Falcone

Bad Enemy
Bad Housewives Book 4
USA Today Bestselling Author
Carmen Falcone


Lara Nunes is loving life— until her brother gets involved with the mafia. He’s gotten in trouble more often than she can count, but this time it’s dangerous. Desperate to save him, she storms into Troy Gallucci’s office, hoping to make a deal to guarantee her brother’ safety. Little does she know, the sexy and arrogant man glaring at her has a very specific request: marriage. But she can’t stare at him without wanting to jump his bones for a day, let alone six months…

Troy Gallucci screwed up—and this time, it can cost him the career he’s worked for his whole life, and the relationship with his family. After drinking too much and sleeping with his sister-in-law, he’s been the least favorite person in the Gallucci clan. He’s desperate to make things right, and when a hot woman storms into his office and demands his help, everything falls into place. He’ll marry her to restore his bad reputation, show his father he’s stable enough to run the family business, and work on building bridges with his brother.

She’ll help him convince people he’s a changed man, but what happens when he starts to believe it himself?

Bad Enemy is part of the Bad Girls Club contemporary romance series. All books are standalones, with HEA and enough steam to melt your e-reader!

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Lara’s brother Miguel has gotten himself in trouble again, only this time it could kill him. He’s been doing some rent collecting for the Gallucci family and he made a terrible mistake. Not only did he get the address wrong, the address he hit belongs to Conor O’Donnell a, shall we say, competitor in the area.

Troy Gallucci has made his own mistakes which is how he ended up here in Tulip. He’s trying to prove himself to his father after he messed up royally by sleeping with his sister-in-law. Now Miguel has jeopardized the progress Troy’s made.

Lara has to fix this not for her brother, but for her mother. Her mother would be heartbroken to lose her son and honestly Lara would hate to lose her brother to something like this.

In a confrontation with Troy Gallucci, she ends up agreeing to the impossible. Troy figures he can marry Lara, talk Conor into accepting a coveted building as apology for the treatment he received at the hands of Miguel, and in six months he will have regained his father’s trust and can return to Los Angeles.

From the quick wedding in Las Vegas, to meeting the parents, this whole idea seemed to be an exercise in futility. With plenty of fun, laughter, sizzle and even a tear or two.

5 Contented Purrs for Carmen!

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Carmen Falcone

Carmen Falcone learned at an early age that fantasizing about fictional characters beat doing math homework any day. Brazilian by birth and traveler by nature, she moved to Central Texas after college and met her broody Swiss husband–living proof that opposites attract.

She found in writing her deepest passion and the best excuse to avoid the healthy lifestyle everyone keeps talking about. When she’s not lost in the world of romance, she enjoys spending time with her two kids, being walked by her three crazy pugs, reading, catching up with friends, and chatting with random people in the checkout line.

She loves to procrastinate, so please indulge her and drop her a line. For more info, visit her website.

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Naked In Death – In Death Book 1 By J.D. Robb

Naked In Death
In Death Book 1
NY Times Bestselling Author
J.D. Robb


Here is the novel that started it all- the first book in J.D. Robb’s number-one New York Times-bestselling In Death series, featuring New York homicide detective Lieutenant Eve Dallas and Roarke.

It is the year 2058, and technology now completely rules the world. But New York City Detective Eve Dallas knows that the irresistible impulses of the human heart are still ruled by just one thing: passion.

When a senator’s granddaughter is killed, the secret life of prostitution she’d been leading is revealed. The high-profile case takes Lieutenant Eve Dallas into the rarefied circles of Washington politics and society. Further complicating matters is Eve’s growing attraction to Roarke, who is one of the wealthiest and most influential men on the planet, devilishly handsome… and the leading suspect in the investigation.

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When I started this series I didn’t have this review blog and I just realized I have been selfishly keeping this series to myself. I just finished reading the 51st book, and was reflecting on how much these characters have grown since the first book. So I pulled out the paperback to read and found the print too small to read. So now I have a project, to get the rest of these books on my kindle because sometimes I just want to do a reread.

In this book we meet not only the troubled NYPSD Lieutenant Eve Dallas but also the irresistible, charismatic, and gorgeous billionaire Roarke. All set in 2058, which at the time seemed like a long time into the future.

Eve is haunted by her last case in which she had to terminate the perpetrator, not because of him but the circumstances around it. She is expecting to go through the mandatory testing in the morning but her commander assigns her a top priority all data sealed case overriding the testing.

She is partnered with Captain Ryan Feeney, head of the electronics detective division, who was her mentor as she travailed the ranks. The victim Sharon DeBlass is Senator DeBlass’ granddaughter and he thinks he can run things his way.

The biggest clue in this is the weapon, a .38 caliper Smith and Wesson handgun at one time standard police issue, now banned and a collector’s item. There aren’t many out there and the list of owners isn’t very long.

One name that comes up as a possible owner of such gun and who’s name also appears in the victim’s address book is Roarke. Eve is confident she can get to talk to him although Feeney is skeptical.

She’s unsuccessful until the funeral, and Roarke is surprised to find out she’s a cop. His cop radar didn’t go off and he’s certainly attracted to this feisty police lieutenant.

This is a favorite scene.


He stopped, and as he had at the service, turned and met her eyes. She thought she caught a flash of something in them: anger, sorrow, impatience. Then it was gone and they were simply cool, blue, and unfathomable.

She didn’t hurry as she walked to him. Something told her he was a man too used to people—women certainly—rushing toward him. So she took her time, her long, slow strides flapping her borrowed coat around her chilly legs.

“I’d like to speak with you,” she said when she faced him. She took out her badge, watched him give it a brief glance before lifting his eyes back to hers. “I’m investigating Sharon DeBlass’s murder.”

“Do you make a habit of attending the funerals of murder victims, Lieutenant Dallas?”

His voice was smooth, with a whisper of the charm of Ireland over it, like rich cream over warmed whiskey. “Do you make a habit of attending the funerals of women you barely know, Roarke?”

“I’m a friend of the family,” he said simply. “You’re freezing, lieutenant.”

She plunged her icy fingers into the pockets of the coat. “How well do you know the victim’s family?”

“Well enough.” He tilted his head. In a minute, he thought, her teeth would chatter. The nasty little wind was blowing her poorly cut hair around a very interesting face. Intelligent, stubborn, sexy. Three very good reasons in his mind to take a second look at a woman. “Wouldn’t it be more convenient to talk someplace warmer?”

“I’ve been unable to reach you,” she began.

“I’ve been traveling. You’ve reached me now. I assume you’re returning to New York. Today?”

“Yes. I have a few minutes before I have to leave for the shuttle. So . . .”

“So we’ll go back together. That should give you time enough to grill me.”

“Question you,” she said between her teeth, annoyed that he turned and walked away from her. She lengthened her stride to catch up. “A few simple answers now, Roarke, and we can arrange a more formal interview in New York.”

“I hate to waste time,” he said easily. “You strike me as someone who feels the same. Did you rent a car?”


“I’ll arrange to have it returned.” He held out a hand, waiting for the key card.

“That isn’t necessary.”

“It’s simpler. I appreciate complications, lieutenant, and I appreciate simplicity. You and I are going to the same destination at the same approximate time. You want to talk to me, and I’m willing to oblige.” He stopped by a black limo where a uniformed driver waited, holding the rear door open. “My transport’s routed for New York. You can, of course, follow me to the airport, take public transportation, then call my office for an appointment. Or you can drive with me, enjoy the privacy of my jet, and have my full attention during the trip.”

She hesitated only a moment, then took the key card for the rental from her pocket and dropped it into his hand. Smiling, he gestured her into the limo where she settled as he instructed his driver to deal with the rental car.

“Now then.” Roarke slid in beside her, reached for a decanter. “Would you like a brandy to fight off the chill?”

“No.” She felt the warmth of the car sweep up from her feet and was afraid she’d begin to shiver in reaction.

“Ah. On duty. Coffee perhaps.”


Gold winked at his wrist as he pressed his choice for two coffees on the AutoChef built into the side panel. “Cream?”


“A woman after my own heart.” Moments later, he opened the protective door and offered her a china cup in a delicate saucer. “We have more of a selection on the plane,” he said, then settled back with his coffee.

“I bet.” The steam rising from her cup smelled like heaven. Eve took a tentative sip—and nearly moaned.

It was real. No simulation made from vegetable concentrate so usual since the depletion of the rain forests in the late twentieth. This was the real thing, ground from rich Colombian beans, singing with caffeine.

She sipped again, and could have wept.

“Problem?” He enjoyed her reaction immensely, the flutter of the lashes, the faint flush, the darkening of the eyes—a similar response, he noted, to a woman purring under a man’s hands.

“Do you know how long it’s been since I had real coffee?”

He smiled. “No.”

“Neither do I.” Unashamed, she closed her eyes as she lifted the cup again. “You’ll have to excuse me, this is a private moment. We’ll talk on the plane.”

“As you like.”
Naked in Death (In Death, Book 1). Kindle Locations (612-648). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

Roarke invites Eve to see his collection and offer his weapon for testing. Now that was an interesting evening. I had forgotten how Summerset treated Eve in those first books.

More bodies are showing up, and with the first one sealed it limits what can be said to the press in an effort to gain public support. We meet Nadine Furst, the persistent journalist as she tries for more than just the press conference drivel.

We also meet Eve’s best friend Mavis as she sings and dances at The Blue Squirrel an interesting venue, that also becomes her spot to meet with Nadine.

Things with Roarke heat up as Eve eliminates him as a suspect and there’s many twists and turns before the pieces come together in this page turning read.

I will will be reading these in order all over again. It’s fun to go back to the beginning and meet everyone.

5 Contented Purrs for J.D. Robb!

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J.D. Robb

With a phenomenal career full of bestsellers, Nora Roberts was ready for a new writing challenge. As her agent put it, like Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, and caffeine-free Pepsi, a pseudonym offered her the opportunity to reach a new and different group of readers. The first futuristic suspense J. D. Robb book, Naked in Death, was published in paperback in 1995, and readers were immediately drawn to Eve Dallas, a tough cop with a dark past, and her even more mysterious love interest, Roarke.

The series quickly gained attention, great reviews, and devoted readers. Since the debut of Loyalty in Death (the ninth In Death book) on Halloween 1999 on the New York Times bestseller list, every J. D. Robb title has been a New York Times bestseller. While fans had their suspicions, it wasn’t until the twelfth book in the series, Betrayal in Death (2001), that the publisher fully revealed that J. D. Robb was a pseudonym for bestselling powerhouse Nora Roberts. Unmasked, Nora Roberts fans who hadn’t yet picked up one of the Robb books were quickly playing catch-up.

Robb’s peers in the mystery world are fans as well, with accolades for the In Death series from such blockbuster authors as Stephen King, Jonathan Kellerman, Dennis Lehane, Kathy Reichs, Lisa Scottoline, Janet Evanovich, David Baldacci, Harlan Coben, Robert B. Parker, Ridley Pearson, Linda Fairstein, and Andrew Gross.

The In Death books are perpetual bestsellers, and frequently share the bestseller list with other Nora Roberts novels. J. D. Robb publishes two hardcover In Death books per year, with the occasional stand-alone original In Death story featured in an anthology.

Forty books later, there is no end in sight for the ever-popular In Death series.

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