Daffodil – Roses and Thorns Book 5 by Becca Jameson

Roses and Thorns Book 5
USA Today Bestselling Author
Becca Jameson


Being gifted a sex slave
was not how we expected to find our perfect third,
but she’s here now, and she’s definitely ours…


I’m still putting the pieces of my life back together after the death of my famous parents when I’m abducted and wake up in hell. I’m a sex slave. Taunted day in and day out, I eventually violate the most important rule—I climax without permission. My punishment is severe and nearly destroys me.


My grandfather is an eccentric old geezer, but he’s outdone himself this time. He’s purchased me a woman, hoping I will become a dutiful straight grandson. He’s changed his will to ensure I marry and produce an heir. What he doesn’t realize is that I don’t want his money, and I’d never leave my partner.


I’ve been with Bridger for ten years. With the exception of his frequently meddling grandfather, we’re happy. We also know we’re not fully complete. Finding out we are now the “owners” of a victim of sex trafficking shakes our foundation. She needs our help and protection. She’s also perfect for us.

We will do anything to help her heal and keep her safe, but what isn’t she telling us? And how long can we keep her existence a secret?

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Benjamin Arnoult had summoned his grandson Bridger to witness yet another change to his will. This time however, there’s something different and Bridger doesn’t know what to do about it.

He calls his partner Colter and together they approach Benjamin’s gift to Bridger. A woman, who was purchased on the dark web to be Bridger’s in the hopes he’d leave Colter and start a family with the woman. Marriage and a child are conditions of the old man’s will.

When Colter arrives, they go to the pool house together that’s where his grandfather arranged for the woman to be. When the see her, they are both stunned, not only by her beauty but also by the way she was being held captive by a collar and chain attached to the heavy bed.

When she panics at the thought of the police, the decide to take her to their apartment. From there they can help her remember who she was before she was the slave before them.

It’s with much patience that Colton and Bridger work to make Summer/Daffodil comfortable. She’s still very much in the mindset that her captors had trained into her. They know they have to get her to wear clothes and also meet with their lawyer to see what if any legal implications there are.

Colton’s sister Carmen brings clothes from her boutique and in the process learns how the woman came to be with her brother and Bridger. She’s stunned but more than willing to keep their secret to ensure Summer’s safety.

Their lawyer however, is a different story, it seems he has a connection to Summer.

This is a favorite scene.

“You’re aware of Bridger’s batshit-crazy grandfather.”

Nathaniel smirked and then groaned. “Now I know I’m not going to like this.”

“Not a bit. No. Anyway, the man is on his deathbed, but in his moments of lucidity, he has hair-brained ideas. This latest one takes the cake. He decided the only way he would let Bridger inherit his wealth would be if Bridger agreed to leave me, marry a woman, and produce an heir.”

Nathaniel growled.

Colter continued. “To aid in this proposal, he purchased Summer through the dark web.”

Nathaniel sat up straighter, nearly letting his laptop slide off his knees before he caught it. “What the fuck?”

Bridger nodded. “That was basically our reaction. But it’s true. We found her waiting in the pool house, chained to the bed, naked, and scared out of her mind.”

Nathaniel’s eyes bugged out, and his mouth fell open.

Colter dropped his hand from around his partner’s shoulders to set it on Summer’s knees. “She was kidnapped sixteen months ago and trained as a sex slave. Obviously, we removed the fucking chains and the collar she was wearing, got her the fuck out of there, and brought her here.”

“Have you called the police?”

Summer whimpered.

Bridger hugged her closer with an arm around her waist. “No. The person who abducted her in the first place was a police officer. She’s scared to death to go to the authorities.”

“She needs medical care,” Nathaniel pointed out.

Colter shook his head. “She needs mental healthcare. She wasn’t injured, nor was she raped.”

Nathaniel stared at her blankly.

Shocking Colter, Summer spoke for herself. “We were trained to serve a Master, but we were sold in perfect condition…untouched,” she said, whispering that last word.

“Oh.” Nathaniel ran a hand down his face. “Jesus,” he muttered.

“She has nothing. No ID. No money. Not even clothes. Undoubtedly, her apartment was rented to someone else when she disappeared, and her belongings would have been disposed of.”

“Do you have family that might be looking for you, Summer?” Nathaniel asked.

She shook her head.

“Her parents passed four years ago. She was living in an apartment in Denver when she was kidnapped.”

“Would anyone have filed a missing person’s report?”

She shrugged. “I doubt it. I was kind of a loner. I didn’t have close friends. I was…” Whatever she’d been thinking, she didn’t finish.

Nathaniel tapped the pad on his laptop. “What’s your last name, Summer? I’ll shoot off an email to someone who can look in the system and see if you were reported missing.”

“I’m sure I wasn’t reported,” she murmured.

Colter frowned. How could she know that? “Maybe a neighbor or the landlord?”

She sighed. “Not likely.” She looked at Nathaniel. “My last name is Haskell.”

Instead of dipping his head and typing, Nathaniel stared at her, eyes narrowed.

Summer jerked her body toward Bridger, buried her face in his shoulder, and raised her arms against her chest.

“Summer Haskell?” Nathaniel asked. “OhmyGod. You’re Richard and Marlene Haskell’s daughter.”

She sniffled and said nothing.

“Jesus, fuck.” Nathaniel set the laptop on the coffee table and stood.

“You know her?” Bridger asked.

“Her parents were clients of mine. I managed the estate when they died.” He ran both hands through his hair. “Jesus,” he repeated. “Sweetheart, I’ve met you before. It was years ago, but you were with your parents in my office once. I should’ve recognized you. I’ve never seen anyone besides you and your mother with hair that shade of almost black and those green eyes.”

Colter cleared his throat. “Well, that’s an interesting coincidence.”

Nathaniel ignored him. His gaze was on Summer. Seconds ticked by before he spoke softly. “After your parents’ estate was settled, I tried to contact you, but you’d vanished.”

Colter’s throat tightened. Summer had been through so much even before she’d been abducted.

“Do you still play?” Nathaniel asked, his voice even softer.

Play? Colter glanced at Bridger, who looked just as perplexed.

Summer shook her head without looking at anyone.

Colter slid his hand up to stroke her hair. “Play what, honey?”

She unfolded one arm, stuck it out, and pointed toward the music corner.

Bridger kissed the top of her head. “You play the piano, baby?”

She seemed to hold her breath.

Nathaniel responded. “She’s a prodigy. She can play anything. Sings like an angel, too.”

Colter gasped.

Summer started trembling again. She did that a lot, especially when she grew overwhelmed. Finally, she pushed off Bridger’s shoulder and wiped her wet eyes. “I couldn’t face music anymore after my parents died, and I hated the spotlight. It was their thing. They were performers. I know I have talent, but I hated performing. When they died, I just wanted to be normal, so I took off, got an apartment, and started waitressing. I was sort of hiding from the world.”

“I’m so sorry, baby,” Bridger said.

She shrugged. “At least I managed to have anonymity for a while, but I was too awkward to make friends—not any real ones. I spent my entire childhood traveling with my parents. I never went to public school. My friends were adults who were paid to watch me. I used to throw up on performance nights. I hated singing in front of people. I hated playing even more.”

“You have money, sweetheart,” Nathaniel informed her. “A trust. It’s in my care.”

She turned to look at him. “I never really thought about it. It took me a long time to get over the guilt.”

“Why did you feel guilty, honey?” Colter asked.

She sighed. “I hated my life. Did my parents die because I hated my life? I loved my parents, but then they were gone, and I was only eighteen. I felt like I willed it.”

Bridger sucked in a breath. “You didn’t, baby. It’s not your fault.”

“Yeah? Then how do you explain the way I’ve been punished?”

Colter’s heart nearly stopped. “Honey, you are not being punished. Someone preyed on you. It had nothing to do with how you felt about performing.”

She shrugged noncommittally. “You don’t know that.”

Bridger gripped her hip. “Summer, what I know after having you for only a few hours is that you have been dealt a shitty hand over and over. I know none of it was your fault. And I know your luck changed when I walked through the door last night and found you chained to that bed.”

Colter set his hand on top of Bridger’s, squeezing to show his agreement. “You’re here. You’re safe. No one is going to hurt you again. We’re going to help you.” He glanced at Nathaniel. “Tell me we’re not breaking any laws.”

Nathaniel lowered back into the armchair. “You’re not breaking any laws. There’s nothing that says the victim of a crime has to report it.”

Colter released a breath. “That’s what I thought.”

“Glad you called me, though, because Summer has a trust.”

Summer fiddled with her hands in her lap. “So, I could get a hotel or something for a while and then an apartment?”

Colter stiffened. “No.”

Bridger flinched. “I’m not sure his tone was appropriate, but no.”

Nathaniel’s eyes grew wide. “I assume the reason you have a new man on guard downstairs is because you’re worried about whoever trafficked her.”

“Yes. Don’t you think we should be?” Colter asked.

“I’m not sure. I’ll need more details. How was the transaction accomplished?”

Colter turned to Summer. He wasn’t positive about the details surrounding her sale.

“What do you know, baby?” Bridger asked.

She looked at her knees. “I know we were sold before the actual auction. It wasn’t really an auction. It was more of a demonstration of our skills. We were blindfolded, so I can’t be sure how many people were there, but I think it was all for show. Master J often had men come to the house. We were on display for them every time. I assume they were there to examine the merchandise and that some of the buyers would have been among those men.”

“What happened at the auction, sweetheart?” Nathaniel asked. “When did it take place?”

“Two nights ago. We went through a series of poses for the entertainment of the men. And then we…” She shuddered. Stopped.

“It’s okay, baby,” Bridger whispered.

“When we left, the man who I thought was my owner stuffed me on the floor behind the front seat of his car. He told me he would go easy on me if I was good and didn’t make a sound. I don’t know what that meant, but a while later, he stopped, carried me to the house where Bridger and Colter later found me, and chained me to the bed. He said I could remove the mask as soon as he was gone and that he was not my owner. Bridger Arnoult was my owner.”
Jameson, Becca. Daffodil (Roses and Thorns Book 5). Kindle Locations (1602-1672). Becca Jameson Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Every day brings new challenges for this trio. For Colton and Bridger, it’s their love and patience that truly help break through to Summer.

I love the way Summer starts taking control of her life, inch by inch. Even in the D/s roles she learns she has control of every situation.

There’s a lot of love and so much to learn going forward. This book is different since they aren’t found by Jagger and the others beforehand. Yet they manage to help Summer overcome things just the same.

Plenty of tears, laughter, friendship, love, romance and sizzle grace the pages of this book.

I can’t wait to read the next book in this series.

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Becca Jameson Becca Jameson

Becca Jameson is a USA Today bestselling author of over 100 books. She is most well-known for her Wolf Masters Series, her Fight Club series, and her Club Zodiac series. She currently lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband and Goldendoodle. Two grown kids pop in every once in a while too! She is loving this journey and has dabbled in a variety of genres, including paranormal, sports romance, military, and BDSM.

A total night owl, Becca writes late at night, sequestering herself in her office with a glass of red wine and a bar of dark chocolate, her fingers flying across the keyboard as her characters weave their own stories.

During the day–which never starts before ten in the morning!–she can be found jogging, running errands, or reading in her favorite hammock chair!

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